PP blogbejegyzés cím3

PP blogbejegyzés cím3

Investigation and Litigation Support for a partial-owner of a JV Updated: Oct 5, 2021 CNS Risk was approached by the legal representation of a partial-owner of a joint venture who needed to corroborate the suspicion that the other shareholders were knowingly...
PP blogbejegyzés cím2

PP blogbejegyzés cím2

Payment Fraud on Local subsidiary of a consultancy Updated: Oct 5, 2021 Client Local subsidiary of a western European consultancy Situation The supplier instructed our client to make payment to a different overseas bank account after supplying documents confirming the...
PP blogbejegyzés cím1

PP blogbejegyzés cím1

Ransomware attack on property management company Client A large property management company developing offices and apartment blocks in Central & Eastern Europe. Situation A ransomware application made its way in through an out-of-date fileserver that should have...